PRF Treatment:
Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) treatment is your own blood and contains high concentrations of platelets and growth factors that help your tissue heal and grow new cells. A small amount of blood is drawn into a sterile tube and then centrifuged to obtain PRF. Once PRF is injected it can promote collagen production, improve skin elasticity and much more. It can also be used for hair restoration. PRF therapy is a treatment that is used for facial skin rejuvenation. Powerful growth factors found in your own blood are used to stimulate your skin and hair’s natural regenerative processes. Injections of your own blood are made into the skin tissue on your head to promote hair growth. Platelet-Rich Fibrin therapy is a very effective treatment for facial skin rejuvenation as well as treatment for hair thinning or hair loss. Platelet-Rich Fibrin can also be used to smooth and soften skin, as well create a radiation glowing, younger looking face. PRF can also be used to reduce pore size, improve overall skin tone and texture and reduce the appearance of sunspots, wrinkles and acne scars.